Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Making old cards into ornamental balls.

I have a little obsession with making these ornamental balls. They are a tad fiddly but I love the result.
I came across the tutorial over at Martha's website some years back and ever since I've been hooked.
It's been a great way to re-purpose all the beloved cards too beautiful to turf out and they also make great gifts.
I love knowing the messages are hidden on the inside of the ball. At first I was reticent to cut the cards up wondering if I'd regret not being able to read them later. Then I remembered a quote from a book my mum gave me years ago 'The Quiet Eye', which went something along the lines of.... keep only that which is beautiful or functional.... now that I look for the quote I can't find it but it's something that's stayed with me and discouraged any tendencies to hoard (it's also a great way to practice non-attachment!).
You can find the instructions here.

I rediscovered this one while decorating our house this week.
I still love it.

Happy count down....12 days to go. x

NB: Suzy left a comment below asking whether the quote I was after was the William Morris one “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” That's the quote! Thank you Suzy.


Suzy said...

So pretty! I will have to give that a try. Was the quote the William Morris one? “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

Adventures with Dementia said...

Yes! That's the quote. Thank you Suzy. I'll add it as a note above. xx

Bruise Mouse said...

These are gorgeous. What a great way to use up old cards.
I always feel guilty throwing out cards. This is so much more useful.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

So pretty, love the look of handmade. I think it would be a great idea to include instructions in the cards you send out as a cute personal touch. As the world goes digital though this will be harder and harder to come by. I sent all my cards via email this year, music and a slideshow was more my style (accept to the grandparents) guess i didn't help with supplies.http://bit.ly/sfUZpi

Adventures with Dementia said...

Thanks BM. It's is a great way to use the old cards and they are so beautiful.
Shannon, great idea with the e-cards...I'm a huge fan on the hand made so I'm still inclined to go for snail mail at Christmas.

cityhippyfarmgirl said...

that's a wonderful way to use up old cards and I've just said that quote to Mr Chocolate... oh dear, there goes all our stuff he said :-)


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